Friday, December 11, 2009

nbx gp day two...

So yeah, its been a few days, but here how I remember it.. After Saturdays rainfest, everything was for the most part dried out. Hanging in the bathroom with the fan on all night. The only thing not dry, and in the future, this is key kids, the shoes.. how many times this summer I said I should get a second pair for those, "just in case" moments.. oh how a dry pair of shoes would have been helpful. I guess really they weren't too bad, just damp, but y'know..
So weather, another good 'cross day, the rain changed to snow overnight, not much was left by race start though as we received less than an inch. Up to six inches fell in surrounding areas though, and it was evident by everyone's car roofs. So the sun was out, nice, wind picked up so things were drying out, but it was 2 degrees (Celsius) so friggin' cold, especially with the wind.
Quick warm up, then down to the start. Better call up today, second to last row, that's right we're now big time! Similar to yesterday, only with the sand run up instead of the previous day's dirt. Course layout was slightly different from previous day, two beach sections (one with run up) becoming more rideable as the day went on, but never totally. Otherwise fast, lots of turns, and a small mud hole (left over from the rain).
First lap went off without a hitch, no crashes which meant I was battling to just hold position, as opposed to chasing to catch back on. By lap two things were sorting themselves out, and I was hovering again around 20th.
For the first half things were going well, I was getting on the good lines, riding pretty smooth and intelligently, I made a couple of good passes, all was looking up. I noticed a rider back starting to fade off, so and a rider in front, who was holding distance well, constantly sitting at around 12-15 seconds. With about four to go, the rider off the back had a partner join him and started to catch back up, they would get as close as about 8 sec (as far as I could calculate) before a good push on three and two to go. It would seem to distance them, however on the last lap they split, and I would have one chaser coming back. In the end I would hold him off for a second 20th in two days. Feet were absolutely frozen, the waterhole/mudpit had soaked my feet good, the bike was covered in frozen sand, my hands were nearly numb, and everything else was close to the same.
We'd stick around for awards, then pack it in for the trip home. To avoid potential snow squalls we'd head though New Hampshire/Vermont, with little worry of Montreal traffic (at midnight on a Sunday). Drive home was good, lots of snow through Mass/NH, and none by the time we got to Burlington VT.
All in all a great trip, will go back again. We are now done for the year, I'm kind of sad, I'd like to keep going.. but at least now I can finally watch the Euro races live, instead of highlights. Superprestige, and World cups coming up, excellent!
The skiis are now waxed, and my time off, will be limited thanks to 20cm of snow on Wednesday!

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